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  • Homework Help

    Homework Central. Email, discussion groups. Search by subject and level.

    Student Study Area. Useful links about studying.

    NCES classroom. College search, make a graph, fun statistics.

    Physics at Shiloh High. Short tutorials, problems for first year physics.

    Physics Tutorials. All topics of first year physics. By U. Guelph.

    Physics Problems. With hints. Some don't have links.

    Science Fairs, Contests

    List of many competitions.

    Science Fair Project Resource Guide. Suggested topics, sample projects,and links. By Internet Public Library.

    Science Fairs. by the Exploratorium. For students, parents, and teachers. Help and links.

    International Science and Engineering Fair.

    International Physics Olympiad.

    ThinkQuest. An internet contest for students.

    National Science Bowl. Teams of 4 from a school compete with muliple-choice questions. By DOE.

    Discovery Channel's Science Fairs.

    Project Ideas. From Mount Allison U.

    SciCentral's science fair site..

    SETI@home. You can join the experiment that uses Internet-connected home computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

    Imagineering On-line Science Magazine. Projects, resources, ideas - for hobbyists, students, scientists.

    To Do at Home Experiments by the Exploratorium.

    The Science Club. Projects, links, science questions, fun sites for kids.

    Society of Amateur Scientists. Projects and links to CD of the Amateur Scientist column in the Scientific American.

    Science Fair Project Resource Guide. Suggested topics, sample projects,and links. By Internet Public Library.

    Beginner's Guide to Paper Airplanes. Short simple introduction, with links.

    Paper Airplane Aerodynamics. A comprehensive textbook chapter.

    "Floppy", the Robot. Build a robot for almost free from an old floppy disk drive.

    Credit Card Crystal Radio.

    Bridges. By Newton's Apple.

    Tacoma Bridge Collapse Various sites with great pics!

    Bridge Engineering. Links by Systems and Controls Systems.

    Notre Dame's Bridge Building Contest. Many photos of this contest held since 1980.

    Virtual Engineering Laboratory Build a bridge, move a robotic arm, etc. in a virtual (online) lab. At Johns Hopkins U.

    Talking with Other Students

    What are "Newsgroups?" (from Dejanews).

    Directory of Sci. Newsgroups (at dejanews).

    phy-stu, a physics student discussion list.

    SCIENCEHELP, forum for physics, biology, and chemistry. With NASA consultants.

    STRAIGHT DOPE. A web newspaper column for questions/answers on all sorts of stuff, including science.

    Science Talk. For kids, parents, teachers, provided byNPR Science Friday Kids Connection.