Object |
Purpose |
Parts |
To rearrange charge.
Cheap brands of "Scotch tape", balloons, combs, wool/silk/cotton cloth, various
plastics, straws, Styrofoam cups/plates/"peanuts", dry cleaning bags, etc.
Detect and indicate size of charge.
- Jar with 2 Al strips;
- 2 He balloons;
- coke can with metal strip/tinsel;
- straw on Styrofoam cup with foil strip.
Electrophorous |
Way to keep charging objects. |
Insulation foam, Al foil pan, Styrofoam cup.
Capacitor (Leyden jar) |
Stores charge |
Film "can", Al foil, water, paper clip
Sensitive charge detector |
Indicates + or - charge |
9V battery and connector, FET 102N, red LED & 1 k-ohm resistor, 1 M-ohm resistor,
Neon bulb charge indentifier |
Indicates + and - charges |
Neon bulb (Ne-02)
Van de Graaff generator |
Produces large voltage |
To make: metal sphere (2 salad bowls),non-conducting belt, 2 rollers, old motor.
Use with: puffed rice, tissue strips, fluorescent bulb, Al foi pans, He balloon, soap bubbles, hair.
Wimshurst machine |
Produces large voltages between two Leyden jars. |
Make: 2 rotating plates with metal strips and brushes, 2 Leyden jars.
Use with it: air cleaner, rolling ball, sparks...
Electrostatic generator |
Produces charge with your effort. |
Make: Rotating PVC pipe, fur, coke cans.
Electrostatic motor |
Charge makes motor turn. |
Make: 2-liter coke bottles, Al foil.
"Simple motor: "2"x4" board on watch glass.