Chargers To rearrange charge. Cheap brands of "Scotch tape", balloons, combs, wool/silk/cotton cloth, various plastics, straws, Styrofoam cups/plates/"peanuts", dry cleaning bags, etc.
Electroscope Detect and indicate size of charge. - Jar with 2 Al strips;
- 2 He balloons;
- coke can with metal strip/tinsel;
- straw on Styrofoam cup with foil strip.
Electrophorous Way to keep charging objects. Insulation foam, Al foil pan, Styrofoam cup.
Capacitor (Leyden jar) Stores charge Film "can", Al foil, water, paper clip
Sensitive charge detector Indicates + or - charge 9V battery and connector, FET 102N, red LED & 1 k-ohm resistor, 1 M-ohm resistor, solder.
Neon bulb charge indentifier Indicates + and - charges Neon bulb (Ne-02)
Van de Graaff generator Produces large voltage To make: metal sphere (2 salad bowls),non-conducting belt, 2 rollers, old motor.
Use with: puffed rice, tissue strips, fluorescent bulb, Al foi pans, He balloon, soap bubbles, hair.
Wimshurst machine Produces large voltages between two Leyden jars. Make: 2 rotating plates with metal strips and brushes, 2 Leyden jars.
Use with it: air cleaner, rolling ball, sparks...
Electrostatic generator Produces charge with your effort. Make: Rotating PVC pipe, fur, coke cans.
Electrostatic motor Charge makes motor turn. Make: 2-liter coke bottles, Al foil. "Simple motor: "2"x4" board on watch glass.
Electrophorous Blue/pink insulating foam board Building $5.50 for 1"x2'x8'
Grounding chain Bead chain Lighting dept. $1.70 for 3'
+/- Charge Detector Neon bulb (Ne 02) Electronic parts $0.10 each
Sensitive Charge Detector Transistor FET 102N (Radio Shack#276-2062) Electronic parts $2.50 for 4
Sensitive Charge Detector Red LED (Radio Shack#276-041) Electronic parts $0.33/ea.
Charger Piezoelectric charger (not kink with fuel) Camping $15.00
Static chargers fur Taxidermy free

Electrostatic agenda
