Cousins: Savannah, Ashley, Philip Philip at one week July 2000

Cousins in August 2000:

How are these babies related? They share greatgrandparents: George and Frances Hobby. Savannah and Ashley are first cousins and Philip is their second cousin (abbreviated family tree).

The best viewing are the ones labeled Medium; the ones labeled the ones labeled Large are probably of interest to Grandparents or Parents and are HUGE.


A picture goes here A picture goes here A picture goes here
Medium Large Medium Large Medium Large

Ashley and Aunt Bernice

A picture goes here A picture goes here
Medium Large Medium Large

Roger, Emma, and Philip

A picture goes here A picture goes here A picture goes here
Medium Large Medium Large Medium Large


A picture goes here A picture goes here A picture goes here
Medium Large Medium Large Medium Large

Philip and Grandma Betty*, Philip and Emma

A picture goes here A picture goes here A picture goes here
Medium Large Medium Large Medium Large
*Don't mess with me, I'll sic my Grandma on you! Sleep when you can.

To save any of the pictures:

Betty Armstrong (grandma)
