Workshop Details
September 22, 2001 Motion & Forces (in Amusement Parks!)
- Graphing
- Constant Motion Labs
- Accelerated Motion Labs
- Force Labs
- Inquiry Methods

Next time:
We'll meet at Great America (meeting details later)

For you:
1. Make various accelerometers
2. Make a PASCO one: #ME-9426, 15 horizontal & 15 vertical accelerometers for $64.
3. Make an altimeter.
Bring with you:
- calculator
- your lunch.
September 29
Great America Physics Teachers' Day
For you:
1. Printed packet
2. CD-ROM of resources
3. Free day at Great America

- Amusement Park Physics, by Annenberg
- Roller Coaster Physics: 153 page book, how to make a simulator, how to design r.c. on graphing calculator
- Teacher hints and roller coaster contest
- Roller coaster links

- accelerometers
- calculator
October 20 Dynamics (Forces)
- Force Labs - low tech and hi tech
- Inquiry Methods
- Make force carts
- Force Concept Inventory test
- Make simple rocket

For you:
Force carts: PASCO's or home-made : diagram.
- CDs for wheels
- 1/4" dowels for axles
- 3/8"L-OD7/16" beveled rubber washer to attach wheels
- plastic straws to hold axles
- thin plywood or cardboard for body
- a small motor ( - neat stuff!)
- mounted in broom-holder on a piece of PVC pipe or wood
- propeller (hobby store or or Grish Products)
- a cell-holder & cells

Bring with you:
- calculator
- your lunch
- extra CDs (at least 4)
November 17 Energy
- Make energy toy
- Do conversions with energy units
- Use and calculate your own power
- Analyze several energy toys
- Analyze KE and PE - Lab: kinetic E to heat E
- Lab: melting ice
- Lab: combining dif. temperatures
To read pdf files get free Acrobat reader.

For you:
- Dippy Bird: $3.95.
    Read about it.
- Make a roll-back toy
- Why Don't You Just Eat the Can? activity
    page 2
    page 3
- Order Roller Coaster book
- Energy Units
- Power Values

Bring with you:
- calculator
- your lunch
- empty oatmeal box or cyclindrical box with lid
February 2, 2002 Using Vernier computer interfaces: - motion sensor
- force sensor
- voltage sensor
You will receive $380 worth of equipment, if you have attended 3 workshops this year:
- lab interface (ULI),
- force sensor, and
- voltage sensor - all donated by Vernier.
- motion sensor - bought by PTRA funds.
Bring with you:
- calculator
- your lunch
March 16 Physics of Toys -
and Light

You will use Vernier interface and sensors to do labs with "toys".

- a "physics" toy
- your calculator
- your lunch

Workshop Schedule

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