Cosmology is Ancient History!

Third of 6 Saturday workshops in San Francisco Bay Area
for Middle and High School teachers
of physics or physical science.

This is for you if you want to know more about topics in physics/physical science and how to teach them.

Saturday, November 18
9 a.m. (prompt) to 3 p.m.
at the Chabot Observatory
& Science Center
Map and directions
Free entrance to this fantastic new science center!
Parking is $4.

How old is the universe?
How do we know anything about distant stars and galaxies?
What are black holes, supernovae, neutron stars, quasars, pulsars??????

Many hands-on, minds-on activities - spectrometry to calculation of Hubble constant.
The learning cycle and inquiry will be modeled.

You will receive:
- $60
per workshop
- Spectrometer and posters
- Continuing Education Units
- your lunch.
- an article about recent astronomy news.
- your observations since last time.
- your handouts from last time.

RSVP with name and telephone number to 510-704-1441 or
by November 11 and win a "goody".

See information about other workshops at

Print this and share with other teachers.

Led by Physics Teaching Resource Agents (PTRA):
Mike Ugawa, St. Ignatius College Prep
Clarence Bakken, Gunn H.S., Palo Alto
Carol Balfe, science education consultant, Oakland
Andria Erzberger, Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab.

Sponsored by National Science Foundation and American Association of Physics Teachers.