
A short Intro

I'm Joao Pequenao, a specialist in scientific visualization, digital artist and overall geek.
Although my background is in physics, early on in my career I decided to focus on multimedia development, at the service of science education.
I am a member of the ATLAS collaboration at CERN, and a specialist for the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Many of my productions have been featured in a variety of documentaries, magazines, websites and newspapers all over the world.

You can always reach me by email at jppequenao@lbl.gov or joao.pequenao@cern.ch

What's hot?

Some highlights from the zillions of things I'm always doing at the same time


CAMELIAThe Cross-platform Atlas Multimedia Educational Lab for Interactive Analysis (CAMELIA) is a "scientific discovery" tool aimed at the general public. It is currently under development, but parts of it are already perfectly functional. Based on computer games technology, and running on multiple platforms including Windows, MacOSX, iOS, Android and also with a webplayer version (running on a browser), CAMELIA is an unparalleled tool for whoever wants to learn about the largest machine ever built by man!

Camelia will soon have an official address, but meanwhile you can get a peek on a development version HERE

Dark Secret of the Big Bang

DSBB This exciting new project consists of a planetarium show, focusing on the mistery of Dark Matter. We are currently in the fundraising stage, but already have a full plan of action.

Meanwhile, to know more about the project, or to contribute, you can go to our fundraising page.